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This page is designed to help you ensure your submission fits the scope of the journal.

Before submitting you should read over the guidelines both on this page, and within the relevant submission template:

Use the relevant template to format your paper, then register for an account before submitting (or login if you have an existing account).


This visual guide outlines the publishing process from pre-submission to publication. The short video below provides an overview of the submission process, and how to convert your paper into a journal article.



The Essex Student Journal is an online multi-disciplinary academic journal, run by and for University of Essex students, with the administration funded and supported by the University of Essex. 

The journal is dedicated to the publication of high-quality undergraduate and postgraduate writing, and is committed to creating accessible and engaging content for a non-specialist readership. The Essex Student Journal encourages and celebrates student research by offering valuable early experience of academic publishing and the peer review process. 

More information about the Essex Student Journal is available on the About pages and University of Essex Library website

Focus and Scope

The Essex Student Journal publishes the work of undergraduate and Masters students currently studying at the University of Essex. Submissions will also be accepted from individuals who have graduated from the University of Essex within the last 12 months.

The Essex Student Journal is a multidisciplinary journal, meaning we accept submissions from all subject areas. Please see below for further information.

Peer Review

This journal operates a double blind peer review policy, meaning that neither the author nor the reviewer will be aware of each other's identities. The final decision on accepting/publishing a paper is made by the editor but informed by peer reviewer comments.

If you are a PhD student and are interested in becoming a peer reviewer, you can sign up here. Please ensure you add your subject interests when creating your account, as this ensures you are assigned papers relevant to your expertise and interests.

You can find more information and advice on completing peer review in our peer reviewer guidance. No experience of peer reviewing is required to be a reviewer for the Essex Student Journal, and we are always happy to help.

Submission Checklist

The Essex Student Journal is open for submission with no deadline; articles are published online when ready. Publications must be submitted by current students, or based on coursework written whilst studying at the University of Essex. The submission must be in English, and of high quality (for example marked coursework that has incorporated feedback from tutors).

We currently accept these types of papers from all subject areas:

  • Essays
  • Research papers
  • Case studies
  • Other (can include academic blog posts, conference papers, reviews etc.)
  • We have recently opened to creative writing and are accepting works of short fiction and poetry. More information about the format of creative writing is available in our creative writing template. If you would like to publish a different form of creative writing to short fiction or poetry, please get in touch with the team.

Below is some information about how we classify our standard publication types: essays, research papers, and case studies.

Essay Research Paper Case Study
  • Gives your ideas based on reading
  • Structured by your ideas/argument
  • Has an introduction, main body split into paragraphs, and conclusion
  • Can be:
    • Descriptive
    • Argument-based
    • Comparing and contrasting
  • Reports research findings
  • Fairly strict structure, with headed sections (including lit. review,
  • methods, discussion, conclusion)
  • Especially used in Sciences, Business, and Social Sciences
  • In-depth study of a specific real-world problem
  • Generally has one of three purposes:
    • Exploratory (looking for patterns, developing models, etc.)
    • Descriptive (e.g. “what have been the effects of…”)
    • Explanatory (tries to explain why or how something happens)

Submission checklist

  • Submissions must be submitted in a Word document, using either our academic writing template, or our creative writing template.
  • Abstracts should be 200 words maximum.
  • The word limit for general submissions is 2,800-3,000 words for the main body. For Masters students who wish to submit their dissertations, the word limit is 8000 words. Please be aware that longer submissions of this nature will take more time to peer review.
  • Submissions must be edited according to the style guide (below) to suit the journal audience.
  • Do not include your name anywhere in the Word document, as the peer review process will be double blind (both author and peer reviewer are anonymous). Your name will be linked to the document in the submission system, which only the Editor will see. 

Style guide

  • All formatting should follow the guidelines available in either our academic writing template, or our creative writing template
  • We require all submissions to follow Harvard style referencing where sources are cited. However, in some cases, such as legal texts, other referencing styles can be used (e.g. OSCOLA).
  • Academic writing should be concise, with clear subjects and actions in every sentence. This style will vary when submitting creative writing.
  • Use consistent verb tenses throughout your manuscript. This style will vary when submitting creative writing.

Please note that all submissions will be subject to peer review to decide whether they are suitable for the journal. We also expect that submissions will not be under consideration, or previously published, with another publication.

If you have any questions about submissions, please email us at

Expectations for authors

  • Follow the journal’s deadlines (for corrections and re-submission in case of conditional acceptance). 
  • Provide an email address that will stay active for at least 6 months. You can provide either your Essex email address or your personal one. 
  • In cases where we cannot communicate with you for more than 4 months, your paper will be deleted from our system, and it will not be published. 
  • Don’t forget to remove your name or personal details from any part of your paper.
  • Follow the style guide on the submission checklist.

Expectations for reviewers

  • Follow the journal’s deadlines for reviewing the papers. In cases where you need more time, you can contact the journal to ask for an extension to the original deadline. 
  • Provide an email address that will stay active for as long as you are volunteering to be a reviewer. You can provide either your Essex email address or your personal one. 
  • Remember to anonymize your review, because the journal operates a double-blind peer review process. 
  • Provide fair and constructive feedback to authors, and offer additional clarification if requested by the editor.

Expectations for the editor

  • Respond to any enquiries within a week.
  • Pass on the submitted papers to peer reviewers in a timely fashion. 
  • Inform authors about completed reviews, including comments and feedback from the reviewers.
  • Notify the author when the paper is published.
  • Provide clear messaging if the editorial team will be on a break.
  • Be objective and professional when reading the submitted papers.
  • Make the final decision on whether a paper should be accepted and published.