Trends in Electoral Participation
According to initial
research, men were more likely to participate than women (Verba, et al. 1978)
as gender itself was considered a significant predictor of political
involvement (Norris, 2000). This traditional conception of male-female
disparities in voting behaviour, namely the ‘Gender Gap’, was supported by
comparative analysis (Kittilson, 2016). Empirical evidence from Verba et al.’s
study across seven nations, showed that the gender gap in favour of male
electors persisted in each country (Verba, et al. 1978). Moreover, findings
suggested that women appeared disadvantaged in political participation when
considering differences in individual and institutional resources (Verba, et al.
1978). However, after accounting for those inequalities, the traditional gender
gap still emerged; indicating that gender ‘was related to political activity’
(Norris, 2000) (Verba, et al. 1978).
Nevertheless, due to the generational
replacement and political progress made by women’s movement in the 1980s and
1990s (Norris, 2000), scholars agree that the previous gender divide is no
longer present. Indeed, contemporary figures not only clearly demonstrate the
absence of gender inequalities in voter turnout, but also indicate that
original male-female differences have reversed (Kittilson, 2016). For instance,
considering the 1980 U.S presidential elections, women have been voting at
higher rates than men. As the data show, female voters’ share corresponds to
59.4 % while male’s turnout rate to 59.1 %, meaning a difference of 0.3 %
(O’Neill, 2020). This ‘New’ gap kept increasing over time. It reaches the peak
in 2008 when the discrepancy between women and men’s percentage amounts to 4.7
points in favour of female electors (O’Neill, 2020). The data illustrate that
the historical political dynamics between male and female voters has deeply
evolved and the original view that women are disadvantaged when participating
et al.
1978) is discarded. Overall, it is clear how conventional
wisdom establishes that gender is no longer an important indicator of turnout
in election (Smets, Van Ham, 2012). As a matter of fact, when gender is taken
into account it usually confirms that women are more politically active than
men (Smets, Van Ham, 2012).
After having explored the development of the
Gender Gap, one may argue that generally male-female disparities in voting
behaviour have faded away. However, this last assumption presents various
limitations which may illustrate whether gender inequalities in voter turnout
still exist. First, it is crucial to point out that claims related to the
absence of the gender gap are mostly based on national elections figures
et al
2019). Thus, considering only one level of government,
it is not possible to fully analyse different gender attitude in voter turnout.
Instead, evidence from second order election is needed. In fact, taking into
account subnational and supranational contests’ data, we are able to acquire a
bigger and, perhaps, more precise picture of the divergencies in political
participation. Indeed, early studies already highlight different gender
tendencies referring to engagement in local and national environment. As an
example, Rokkan’s examination of the ‘Mobilization of the periphery’ estimates
that the traditional gap between men and women when voting, tended to be larger
in local election and smaller in national contests (Rokkan, 1970). Similarly,
modern research indicate that the overall turnout is, generally, lower in
elections considered less important (Soderlund,
et al
2011). Therefore,
it is suggested that individuals participate differently in second order and in
first order elections. This argument presents strong implications in regard to
the original gender inequalities in voting behaviour: although male-female
disparities have vanished in general elections, it is observed that men still
tend to vote at higher rates than women in other type of contexts, for instance
considering the European ballot (Kostelka,
et al
Gender Gap in
Second Order Elections
To prove the last statement, gender
differences in second order and national elections turnout are compared. As we
have already demonstrated, in the latter, the gender gap is relatively small
and not significant (Smets, Van Ham, 2012). However, while a positive
correlation between female individuals and voting in parliamentary election
persists, scholars have identified a negative relation among the same terms but
in other types of elections e.g., European ones (Soderlund,
et al
2011). Empirical data from Kostelka
et al.
study confirms this claim
showing that women do participate less in subnational, supranational and Swizz
elections. The authors write ‘In those electoral contests, the gender gap in
the predicted probability of voting reaches 8, 9, 16 percentages point,
respectively’ (Kostelka,
et al
2019). Thereby, considering a multilevel
analysis of gender inequalities in voter turnout, it would be false to claim
that male-female disparities in voting behaviour have completely disappeared.
Moreover, another important aspect to focus on, is how the absence of a gender
gap in national contests translates into different level of engagement in
supranational election. Kostelka
et al
point out that in countries,
where there is no significant difference in turnout in national elections,
female electors participate less than male in supranational contests (Kostelka,
et al
2019). Conversely, in countries, where in general election women
tend to vote at higher rates than men, the gender gap in European elections is
not substantial (Kostelka, 2019). On one hand, this argument proves that
inequalities still emerge despite the apparent lack of gender gap in national
elections. On the other one, it is vital to understand that what drives
individual to cast their vote is mainly political interest along with
Investigating this matter further, political
activity is considered in terms of two elements: resources and political
engagement (Verba,
et al.
1997). To understand the casual mechanisms by
which gender gap arises in specific environments, two hypothesises are
formulated. The first assumption is based on the rational choice model and the
role played by resources in the latter. It is generally accepted that having
resources lowers the cost of political participation (Brady,
et al
1995) and that women are overall more socially and economically disadvantaged
than men (Howell, Day, 2000). Therefore, the unequal distribution of resources
might explain why the act of voting is costlier for female citizens and not for
men. Furthermore, the second thesis refers to the role of political interest in
second order election as suggested above. Psychological factors, such as
motivation, are considered to be the real mobilising elements of political
participation. Hence, as women are less interested in general politics (Verba,
1997), they will not participate as much as men in voting behaviour
et al
. 2011).
In the following sections, the first argument is
examined. Primarily, it is important to emphasize that the rational choice
model is based on the analysis of costs and benefits related to forms of
participation. If the profits outweigh the costs, the political activity in
question is considered to be rational, thus, people are more likely to be
involved (Blais, 2000). On the contrary, if the price is too high, citizens are
less eager to participate as, the action, is deemed to be illogical. However,
it is recognized that the ownership of social and economic resources including
money, time and civic skills might help to overcome the issue of rationality
et al
. 1995). For instance, activities such as donating money
for a civic cause, protesting or being a member of a political party are
clearly easier for individuals who have those specific tools. Hence, people,
who are able to diminish the costs of participatory acts, would evaluate the
latter as rational and no longer as unreasonable. In conclusion, since men are
generally reputed to have with a higher level of SES (Social Economic Status)
(Howell, Day, 2000), they would be more advantaged than women to engage in
various forms of participation. Accordingly, the unequal allocation of
resources within male and female electors would be accountable for the gender
disparities still noticeable in voter turnout.
Nevertheless, this argument is particularly inconsistent.
It does not explain why gender gap is not present in national elections. In
fact, if the women’s lack of social and economic resources really influences
voting behaviour, gender inequalities would be evident in all type of election
and not only in second order. Indeed, significant limitations to this claim are
found. Although the rational approach is applicable to most political
activities, academic literature claims that it is not valid for the act of
voting. As we formerly stated, resources help to predict who is more likely to
participate when the costs of an activity are relatively high. However,
considering the specific voting action, researchers have shown that the price
of casting a vote tends to be small and almost equal to zero (Blais, 2000).
Individuals do not perceive voting as a costly action because it is generally
easy and less demanding than other forms of participation (Blais, 2000). In
comparison to other political activities, voting is recognized as the ‘great
equalizing political act’ (Verba,
et al
. 1978), where gender differences
related to SES are less likely to be identified. In addition, empirical
evidence have demonstrated that, in the case of the gender gap, when
controlling for socio-economic variables e.g., income, education and
occupation, female and male disparities remain unaffected (Howell, Day, 2000).
Therefore, something else has to explain those inequalities. Eventually, even
if there was an unequal distribution of resources among women and men, this
disparity would not have any real impact on the act of voting. On one hand, its
costs are already extremely low to be affected by ownership of resources, on
the other one, data have proven that differences in SES cannot be responsible
for the gender gap in voter turnout.
Consequently, given that the cost of voting is non-existent
and the physical act of casting a ballot for first or second order election is
the same, why do gender inequalities only emerge in the latter? To provide an
answer to this question, the second hypothesis regarding the role of political
interest in electoral participation is explored. First, it has been
acknowledged that motivation along with other psychological elements, is the
driving force of voter turnout (Brady,
et al
. 1995). In particular,
scholars emphasize the importance of political interest in specific contests
such as subnational or supranational ones (Soderlund,
et al
. 2011). The
reasons behind this last statement, lay in the different perception that
citizens have in regard to second order election. Indeed, the latter are widely
considered to be less salient, having lower stakes and being more demanding
et al
2019). As an example, in the event of European
elections, the overall low levels of turnout reflect how individuals view the
institution as abstract entity (Smismans, 2015). They believe that the outcome
of second order election does not have a great impact on their lives, in
contrast to national election. Therefore, voting in supranational contests is
regarded to be less rewarding, explaining why only politically interested
citizens will participate (Kostelka,
et al
2019). In addition, if people
conceive this type of elections as less important, they will experience a
weaker social pressure: in national contests, deemed to be more significant by
the majority of the society, unmotivated individuals can be mobilized by media,
friends or party members (Soderlund,
et al
. 2011). This does not occur
in European elections as the public attention and media coverage diminish
et al
. 2011). In summary, second order election are
recognized to be ‘costlier and less gratifying for those who are less
psychologically engaged in politics’ (Kostelka,
et al
2019). Thereby,
disparities arise between more interested individuals, generally men, and
unmotivated citizens e.g., women (Verba,
et al.
Gender Gap in Political Interest
The claim concerning women being less psychologically engaged than men
is supported by academic findings. Verba et
. focus on gender
differences within two elements: political information and motivation. The
authors measure political knowledge by asking both women and men names of
public officials along with general awareness of government (Verba,
et al.
The data show that men are more likely to answer correctly compared to women
et al.
1997). Similarly, when evaluating political interest,
evidence illustrate that men are also more likely to discuss about national and
local politics (Verba, S.
et al.
1997). On the contrary, female
individuals hardly reported curiosity in watching public affair programs or
reading newspaper (Verba,
et al.
1997). All these results indicate that,
estimating political interests, men generally score higher than women. Thus,
being more motivated to engage in forms of political participations as voting.
This gender gap in interest is often attributed to the lack of female
politicians in significant institutions (Fox, Lawless, 2014) or to the absence
of policies aiming to reduce overall gender inequalities (Fraile, Gomez, 2017).
However, although these arguments have great explanatory power for female-male
inequalities, the literature suggests that culture is the strongest factor
accountable for the latter (Dassonneville, Kostelka 2020).
In particular, it is notable that men’s and women’s socialization
process has been deeply different. Throughout history, conventional gender
stereotypes contributed to the development of specific expectations regarding
women’s and men’s role in the society (Fraile, Gomez, 2017). For instance, it
is known that the cultural perception of female position corresponds to the
traditional figure of the housewife. As a consequence, women’s purpose has
always been associated with caregiving and household responsibilities.
Nowadays, since they still experience these types of pressures, they are more
likely to encounter difficulties to remain politically active and, in general,
to ‘keep up with politics’ (Campbell, Kristi, 2008). For the same reasons, male
and female preferences have grown into distinct political domains (Ferrìn,
2020). Whereas men are concerned with issues as leadership, economy and
conflicts, women express their interest in social norms, education and health
services (Campbell, Kristi, 2008) Given both dimensions, it is clear that
female individuals prioritize policies tied to the family scope which have a
direct effect on their lives (Campbell, Kristi, 2008). Therefore, considering
the former argument regarding the perception of second order election, it is
obvious that women do not recognize those contests as important for their
specific preferences. Hence, as they are less psychologically involved than
men, (Kostelka,
et al
2019) the gender gap emerges.
The fact that women and men’s interests are diverse, paves the way for
another argument. It is suggested that females are not less politically
interested but, instead, they only focus on separate political matters (Coffe,
2013 cited in Ferrìn, 2020). Studies have concluded that interest has two
components: domestic and general (Campbell, Kristi, 2008). While women’s
preferences are strongly correlated to the former, men’s political priorities
are linked to the second element. (Campbell, Kristi, 2008). Moreover, when
measuring levels of motivation, the latter is usually conceived as a
unidimensional idea (Campbell, Kristi, 2008). This implies that there is a
socially accepted indicator by which individuals’ political interest is
estimated. Indeed, it has also been proven that men’s general interest is more
likely to be associated with this standard conception (Ferrìn,
et al.
2020). Therefore, women may report lower level of political curiosity as they
refer to topics they believe are closest to the conventional notion of politics
et al.
2020). Hence, fostering the perception that they are
less emotionally engaged in politics. In reality, they may be simply interested
in different policies such as domestic issues which are not included in the
‘abstract understanding of politics’ (Ferrìn,
et al.
In conclusion,
although the traditional gender gap in voter turnout seems to have disappeared
in national election, it still emerges in second order contests. While in the
former, female and male disparities are not present, men still participate in
higher rates than women in supranational environment. It is proved that the
unequal distribution of economic and social resources between men and women is
not accountable for the gap. As the costs of voting are almost equal to zero (Blais,
2000) electoral participation cannot be influenced by different level of SES.
Instead, the driving force of voter turnout is deemed to political interest.
Since second order election are perceived to have lower stake, less incentives
and more demand, only politically motivated individuals are mobilized
et al
2019). In this case, women are generally considered to
be less interested in politics than men, hence, the gender gap arises. Due to
cultural socialization of the gender roles, female and male preferences have
developed interests in distinct political fields. This process eventually led
to the idea that women are more concerned with domestic issue and do not have
time to be properly informed (Campbell, Kristi, 2008). Nevertheless, it could
also be argued that women are not less interested than men, but only curios
about different issue. As politics is conceived a unidimensional concept (male
dominant), women believe their political preferences are not comprehended in
the standard indicator of political motivation (Ferrìn,
et al.
2020). In
the end, the casual process between the existence of a gender gap in voting
behaviour and motivational factors is accepted. However, we cannot exclude that
male-female disparities in turnout are due to different perceptions of politics
and not different level of interest.